Iran Apple TourOrganized by Tara Apple

Iran is one of the major exporters of fresh apples in the world. But only due to America sanction on Iran, it has dropped to the fourth place in the world in the field of fresh apple production. Iran has more than 247 thousand hectares of Land under apple cultivation, which that ranks third from a global point of view. It should be noticed that Iran's actual customers for fresh apples are Russia, India, UAE, Qatar, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Georgia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.


Let’s visit Iran and buy


Let’s visit Iran and buy

Apple harvesting season in Iran begins in early October and it will continue until the end of June. One of the most important challenges for foreign buyers has been always gaining trust, which can be largely solved by visiting the supplier and product closely. In this regard, Tara Apple has organized tours for foreign customers to visit apple orchards and buy up close. This Tour lasts from one week to 10 days. Our foreign visitors can meet Tara Apple team and founders in person and then, will proceed for inspection and purchase of their own product. In fact, they can easily and closely visit all processes of sorting, packaging, quality inspection, loading, transportation and custom affairs.

This Iran apple tour is directly supported and led by Tara Apple founders, Hamid Tajizadegan and Mozhan Salehi. This idea was arranged with the aim of exporting develop of Iranian product and also Introducing Iran's market and Iranian apple product to foreign businessmen. So, foreign buyers or their agents can really see from 0 to 100 of their purchase. At the view point of Tara Apple, these transparency and accountability can be guarantee for a safe and secure trading and finally guarantee of a long-term cooperation.

Premium apple purchase tour is hold by Tara Apple, and all amenities, entertainment, transportation, insurance and residence are coordinated by Tara Apple.

If you are not confidence about your purchase, won’t be worry about that. You are welcomed to be part of Iran apple tour too.

Some details and services provided by Tara export team are listed below:

  • Hotel (5 star)
  • Flight ticket
  • Insurance
  • Internal transportation
  • Private translator
  • Tour leader
  • City tour of Isfahan
  • Apple gardens visiting
  • Getting to know the business culture of Iran
  • International transportation service
  • Booking Land, sea and air shipment
  • Custom services
  • International payment plus exchange
  • Tour duration: 7 days to 10 days (based on you choose)
  • City of residence: Isfahan

Think of participating in Iran apple tour!?

Contact us for reservation …



              Let’s visit Iran and buy

Pictures license: Iranontour  -   SurfIran

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